Every year our neighborhood park hosts a giant Easter Egg hunt for all the kids in the neighborhood. The first year, when Tommy was about 18 months old, we practiced hunting for eggs for about a week beforehand. He was ready, I just knew it. When the day came and they blew the bullhorn, though, he simply sat in the pile of eggs that are scattered on the ground and threw them up in the air all around him. Meanwhile, I was pushing small children out of the way in order to fill up his Easter basket. True story.
Last year, we arrived just as they blew the horn and by the time we finished the 45 second walk from our car all the eggs were gone. He was content to run around and play until the Easter Bunny showed up. Then there were tears and he immediately ran the other way.
This year was the year of redemption. We arrived 20 minutes early to scope out the scene and be sure we wouldn't miss the hunt. He had talked about the Easter Bunny all morning long and insisted that he wanted to lots of interaction with the Easter Bunny.
We tried to talk him into seeing the Easter Bunny when he arrived and again he freaked out. No tears, but he wasn't going anywhere near this rabbit. So I took a picture of the bunny anyway. Sans Tommy.
When the hunt started, he had an interesting method of filling his basket.
Then it was time to face the bunny. He somehow feels better if he's "sneaking up" to the bunny and after much persuasion Dean and Todd went with him. And his friend Caleb joined in too. But as you see, in the end, he put the responsibility on Caleb and went the other way.
Finally, we have success! When we left to go home about 5 minutes later, he burst into tears in the car and cried that he missed the Easter Bunny. Go figure
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