Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weekend Musings

- The streak lives. I cannot get through a wedding without crying during the mother/son dance. That started when we attended Todd and Judi Doss's wedding the weekend after we found out Tommy was going to be a boy. That was 5 1/2 years ago. And I don't even have to know the couple getting married! Today Dean performed a wedding and I just met the couple yesterday and yes, I cried during the mother/son dance. I know it's ridiculous.

- I love getting the paper delivered to our house on the weekends. It makes me feel like a grown-up. And I get to play a fun little game with myself where I hurry outside and pick up the paper as fast as I can and hope no other neighbors come outside at the same time so they won't see me in my jammies. 

- Thanks to my wonderful in-laws letting the boys have a slumber party at their house last night, I woke up this morning and the sun was up. That's the first time this has happened in many months. And it was everything I dreamed it would be.

- Halloween is on Monday and we haven't had our annual pumpkin carving night, where I spend 2-3 hours painstakingly carving an intricate design on a pumpkin that will most likely rot in the next 48-72 hours. Heck, we didn't even buy a pumpkin! I feel awful about that! But I have to admit it's nice to not have a rotten stinky pumpkin sitting on my doorstep.

- Dean and I have been out on the town quite a bit in the last few weeks. And I still have yet to have my ID checked. I know I'm less than a month away from 30, but seriously??? Please just humor me next time and pretend you're not going to let me in unless I can produce a valid driver's license.

- I love Sundays. I look forward to them all week. I think everyone in my house does, except for Ty who hasn't yet learned to read a calendar. Either way, we all love Sundays because we love our church. And that makes me really happy!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Has Anyone Ever Done This?

Yesterday I did something completely irrational and not very me-like. I'd like to blame it on age (I'm less than six weeks from being 30!) or just getting too little sleep. But in reality, I can only blame it on one thing: a complete lack of trust in the God that I follow.

I had just finished teaching a piano lesson. Dean had the boys and they were making their weekly visit to Leon football practice. My next lesson had just cancelled so I had a 30 minute break. At 4:30 I heard my phone buzzing and answered it just a half second too late so I missed the call. I looked at it and realized I'd missed two calls in a row from this person. She is a friend of mine, but we never talk on the phone so missing two calls back to back is certainly odd. That's usually what people do when there's something wrong: keep calling until someone finally answers. I thought about what she might want and then it dawned on me that she lives next door to Leon High School, where Dean and the boys were. And my mind went to the next logical conclusion: something terrible had happened to them.

I called Dean and there was no answer. I hung up and called again. Still no answer (disclaimer: Dean is really good at answering his phone, way better than me, and so if he doesn't answer on the second or third ring, you can assume he's in a ditch somewhere... or that he's left his phone in the car).

At this point I'm feeling physically ill. I'm panicked and praying, asking God to protect my family and tell me what to do while I wait to hear from somebody. I knew the best thing to do was wait and pray. So I did. For about 45 seconds. Keep in mind it was only 4:33 at this point. Only 3 minutes had passed and already I was assuming the worst. Then I decided that it was better for me to just drive to Leon and see for myself what awful thing had happened. So I got in the car, called my next piano lesson and explained that I may be late.

When I explained that I was going to Leon because I felt like something horrible had happened, I realized that this may be a bit irrational. But I kept driving because I guess you could say the mama bear instinct had fully kicked in (and I refused to wait and be patient). And kept calling Dean and Beth (the one who had originally called me). Then I began calling anyone who might have heard from Dean or who would be somewhere around the school and could just look out a window and let me know things were alright. I was planning to tweet "In a total panic because I don't know where my husband and children are! Reply if you know anything about their situation!" at the next stoplight (because I don't text while driving and neither should you!).

Instead, when I got to the next stoplight, my phone rang. It was Dean. I figured he was calling me from the ambulance. Nope, he was calling from the football field. I could hear Tommy and Ty running around near him. He apologized for missing my call and said he kept trying to call me but my phone kept going to voice mail. Perhaps this was because I was in the process of calling everyone I knew. I turned around and headed back home, grateful I had left the house in a panic for nothing. And realizing how much easier the last 20 minutes would have been if I had any faith at all in God. But thankful that He would continue to teach me how to do so.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Things I'm Looking Forward To

1. The smell of cinnamon everywhere I go

2. Sprinkling cinnamon in my coffee. I know I can do it year round and it's very healthy, but it's so much more fun in fall!

3. Great oatmeal concoctions. A bowl of oatmeal is incredibly boring without lots of fun things in it! Seasonal fruits, nuts, and dried yummy things make it delicious... add a splash of almond milk and it's heaven in a bowl.

4. Leaving the AC off.

5. Football. Contrary to what Dean may say, I actually do enjoy football.  Even more so when it's not 95 degrees outside. I just don't feel the need to watch it for 12 hours straight. But believe it or not, I do have ESPN radio on my presets in my car. Just sayin'.

6. Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I actually don't care for them that much but knowing that they're only around for a couple months makes me crave them. Call it peer pressure, I guess.

7. An hour less of daylight makes an early bedtime so much easier.

8. Getting to bust out some fall clothes. I happen to love camel and boots make me smile :).

9. Baking cookies. Need I say more?

10. Christmas is right around the corner!