I'm still pregnant. I'm not actually due until next Tuesday, but everyone that I know that was due the same week as me has had their babies at least a week and a half ago. So I feel like I'm way behind.
In an effort not to gain an excessive amount of weight in this last week or so, I'm noshing on carrots and hummus. But what I really want are the chocolate chip cookies that I'm about to finish baking and the last tiny piece of the amazing "Better Than Sex Chocolate Cake" that Matthew made.
Dora the Explorer is really weird. I'm totally not into it. But Tommy is. I tried to find Diego with our new On Demand (we're upping our technology, folks), but so far all I can get is Dora.
Dorsi has a vet's appointment today. She's doing that really gross thing where dogs scoot around dragging their butts on the floor. Then she gets to go on an outing to get new dog biscuits (she ate her entire box of them two weeks ago).
I'm having a cleaning lady come to the house this afternoon! My wonderful mother-in-law has graciously given me her cleaning lady for the day, and I couldn't be more excited!
I'm ready to meet Ty! I realize that I will be completely sleep deprived and sore beyond imagination, but there is nothing better than holding your new baby. And Tommy's been kissing my belly at least two or three times a day so I think he's excited too. I can't believe we'll be a family of four soon!