Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm Blessed...

After an incredibly long day yesterday, which included baking cookies for Tommy's Easter Party at school, making an appetizer for small group, and making dinner for a staff meeting at our house (I triple-tasked and made them all at the same time, thank you very much), I was completely exhausted. I had been very busy all day and my allergies are starting to get to me and the fact that I'm supposed to deliver a baby in oh, say, 9 more weeks is also getting to me. So the idea of leading small group last night for the Twentysomething Ladies was just making me exhausted. I even cried a little bit on the way there because I was just so tired and I had hit a wall (I would have cried on the way to Disney World... it's not the group). But then when I walked in, they all yelled "Happy Baby!" (which completely confused me because I thought they said happy birthday and that's months away). When I realized that they had put together a surprise baby shower, I cried again. I love leading those ladies and I was blown away by their thoughtfulness. I'm incredibly blessed.

I love my husband. He's done so well taking care of me and making sure I have everything I need (as in, "Honey, go get yourself a pedicure. It will be nice and relaxing for you"). He cleaned Tommy's major poopy explosion last night, even if he did have to throw his clothes away (it was that bad). And he's always seeing how he can help me. One of my favorite questions he asks is "What can I do to make your life easier today?" And I usually have something for him. I'm incredibly blessed.

I love my church. The people are so excited and they bring their friends who don't know Jesus. God's blessed it more than we could ever have imagined. We are currently preparing for our third annual Easter on the Moon services, which will be the first time the Well has had two services at The Moon. (Go here for a great plug for it, starring Tommy) I'm incredibly blessed.

And of course my little boy is unbelievable. He gives me about 10-20 unsolicited "Mommy I love you"s throughout the day and it always melts me. Poor guy, his world is about to be turned upside down in a couple months. But I'm incredibly blessed.

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