Saturday, September 3, 2011

Aahhh... the Weekend

It's Saturday morning at 8;30 and I've already clocked a very busy 12 hours.  As of 8:30 last night here has been my activities:

1. Come home from Downtown Getdown to see and smell the fact that I may have left a diaper or two in Ty's trash can in his room and I may or may not have closed the door.  Dorsi took advantage of that fun and ate the diapers.  Poopy ones are her favorite.

2. Clean diaper messes out of the dining room, living room, and Ty's room.  Which resulted in having to swiff and mop all the floors in our house.

3. Hear Dorsi in our room vomiting all over the place.  Apparently poopy diapers don't actually sit well with her.

4. Run as fast as I can to grab her and let her outside to finish getting sick.  She doesn't make it.  There's now piles on our living room rug.

5. Clean all throwup piles.  Oxyclean is my best friend and works wonders.

6. Proclaim that now I'm going to bed before anyone else can cry, vomit, wet the bed, or just wake up in general. 

7. Look down to see that now the refrigerator is leaking.  By now this is almost comical.  Clean up refrigerator. Go to bed.

8. Wake up to realize that Tommy had an accident in bed.  Wash bedding.

9. Perform surgery on Big White Bear, whose head was falling off and was leaving trails of stuffing.  Tommy praised my amazing sewing skills.  Little does he know, his head will probably fall off again in the next few weeks because of those amazing skills (or lack thereof). 

Now I want to relax a little.  I'm looking forward to the first Gameday show, the general atmosphere of football season, and most of all, naptime.

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