Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Back At It!

Two nights ago, Ty slept through the night. So I figured that he was turning a corner and decided to go to the gym for the first time last night since he would sleep longer and I could be up a little later. Lesson #1: Never assume your baby's going to sleep through the night. The moment you do, they can read that and will wake up every hour (not even a hypothetical situation... he actually did wake up every hour last night). Anyway, I was anxious to get back into working out, but knew I didn't want to overdo it. A sweet older lady told me about the fitness test she had just done on the treadmill. Something about it measuring your heart rate while you increase the incline and stay at the same speed. She said that the machine actually turned off after 6 minutes of her being on it because her heart rate went too high, but I figured I'd give it a try.

This fitness test asks lots of personal health questions and then adjusts the speed accordingly. You keep the same pace while the incline increases until it's at the highest percentage and you're scaling a small mountain. I was pretty proud of myself. I was able to complete the entire test without the machine turning off (which I figured was no small feat), and I really didn't even break much of a sweat. Maybe I glistened a little. And my heart rate never went above 130. I was feeling good. But then I got my results:

"Fitness level - 10%
Evaluation - Very Low"

Seriously?!? I mean, I know I'm two months out from having a baby, but I know octogenarians who are more physically fit than that. I guess that means I can only improve from here. I'll see you at the gym.

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