Thursday, November 12, 2009

Midweek Update

It's been a busy few days, folks. My parents came in town on Wednesday morning and left this afternoon. And as you know, if you have family from out of town, when they are in town you don't waste a minute. So between piano lessons and poopy shoes (both my parents and Tommy were victims of Dorsi's droppings in the backyard), we had a great time. Yesterday was more running around and going out to eat, but today we had more of an adventure. My parents have wanted to visit Wakulla Springs for a while now, so it was about 65 degrees and breezy with gorgeous blue skies and we figured it was a crime to be inside. We drove down there and even did a boat tour. Here are some highlights:

And I didn't use a zoom in this picture. The alligator is actually that close.

Then we had a delicious lunch at Piggy's (if you haven't been yet, you need to go. I could do the backstroke in their mac & cheese). We came home, rested for just a bit and then Dean had to take them to the airport so I could teach more piano lessons. It was a quick visit but a good one.

Just because my parents left, doesn't mean Tommy and Dean's fun was over yet. They had another boys' night out and Dean took him to Wendy's and then to the Leon vs. Rickards football game. While at Wendy's, Tommy learned a valuable lesson. There was a homeless man outside and Tommy asked Dean if he was going to eat chicken nuggets too and Dean reluctantly told him no. So Tommy offered to give the man his chicken nuggets. Yes, my 3-year-old split his chicken nuggets meal with a homeless man. I couldn't be more proud. Then they headed to the game. Dean was in his glory as Tommy chanted "Go Big Red!" and hung out with Dean's old coach, Coach Sauls. And apparently the Rickards band was awesome. As always. But Tommy's been taught to refer to them (and basically anyone else who's not the Leon Lions)as the bad guys. So here are some pics of tonight:

1 comment:

  1. Love Tommy's jacket! He did have an awesome day!

    Meme and Bebe
