Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve

We're T minus 10 1/2 hours from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (aka, Dean's very favorite event... taste the sarcasm). My allergies are flaring and I'm completely exhausted from answering about a million questions that all started with the word "Why?" I guess that's what happens when you have a 3 year old. But before I head off to bed, I wanted to do the traditional Thanksgiving thing and list some things I'm thankful for:

- The fact that my adorable 3-year-old boy can drive me absolutely crazy by all his questions. He's asking me a new one before I even can answer the old one. But when he was born we were told he may never walk or talk. So I'll take the aggravation.

- The great date night I had with Dean tonight. Nothing too fancy, dinner at Macaroni Grill and then a stroll around a completely dead mall. No one's shopping the night before Thanksgiving. But date nights are one of my very favorite traditions that we have.

- My wonderful family that I'll be spending time with over the next few weeks. Between Dean's family here and my family down south, I've been very blessed.

- Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls. That's breakfast tomorrow. Need I say more?

- The fact that in about 6 months I'll have to change the name of this blog. That's right, we're continuing to populate the world with Inserras. Baby Inserra #2 is due on May 25! I'll keep you posted.

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