Friday, December 4, 2009

Inserra Christmas Traditions

Lindsay and I are swapping blog ideas. She posted her traditions and now here's a brief overview of ours (hers is only slihtly more entertaining)

1) We get a real tree from Home Depot. This year Publix was having a sale so we went with that, but the guys didn't cut enough branches off the bottom. So next year we're back at Home Depot.

2) We have some college kids over from the church to help us decorate. This year Dean told me we were having 8 over. While I dreamed of drinking hot chocolate while singing along to Christmas music and everyone taking turns hanging our random assortment of ornaments and then all making s'mores together, he somehow neglected to tell me that most of them were actually coming over to watch the FSU basketball game. I would need to play my Christmas music over the computer. So not festive! So I hung ornaments and strung lights with a couple of the girls (thanks Giana and Margo!) and everyone else sat in tension watching FSU. Oh well.

3) Our tree crashes to the ground. This is somewhat of a new tradition but I'm sure it's one we will stick with. Last year it was at least twice because Dorsi kept running by and knocking it over with her massive tail. In 2007 it started falling right after Christmas so we dragged it out back (it was near the back door), where it stayed for about 9 months and turned into a little Christmas tree corpse. Kinda creepy. This year, after everyone left, Dean came into the bathroom while I was taking a late night shower (it was about 11:30) and informed me that the tree was on the ground and we had lost some ornaments and he couldn't pick it up by himself. It is a pretty big tree. So I finished and got out and the two of us hoisted the tree back upright and I unscrewed and rescrewed the base. At least twice. It still leaned really bad so we had to turn it around backwards and lean it against the corner. Where it remains to this day.

More to come later!

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