Thursday, January 21, 2010


We've had a busy few days in here in the Inserra household. Lots of things to be proud of. And because I'm a good mom, I'm going to share some of them with you.

1) Tommy is doing awesome on the potty training front. I actually ran out of diapers the other day and so decided that would be as good a time as any to sleep in big boy pants. And each time he's woken up dry. Even when he sleeps all night! I'm sure I'll be cleaning up a mess very soon, but I'm just enjoying the progress that he's making! Diaper-free for more than 48 hours!

2) Dean preached a sermon on Sunday night with a bat flying around the auditorium and didn't lose his cool. Seriously. It was a bat.

3) I did this puzzle all by myself. In a mere two days. It's 1,000 pieces. Not sure it's exactly an accomplishment, but I think I managed to feed my family and clean the house during those days as well.

4) Dorsi got a little mad while we were out last night and went through my pantry. She ate a container of cocoa powder and a tub of Crisco. Maybe she was trying to make brownies? The accomplishment is that she's still alive.

1 comment:

  1. brownies eh....Looks I should start taking Dorsi to pampered cooking shows and forget about Tom brown park
