Monday, August 9, 2010

Nap Time

Nap time has always been a bit of a challenge in this house. But with two, it's gotten immensely more difficult. Take today, for example. Ty was clearly needing a nap, and in the past few days, I've gotten him to take good naps in his crib. So I swaddled him and began the process of putting him down for a nap (which is a much easier process than it was with Tommy at his age). When I am putting Ty down, Tommy always thinks that's a good time to come in the room with me and ask me lots of questions and get really excited about things. Which makes it really hard for Ty to fall asleep. Here was today's attempt:

Me: "Tommy, I'm going to put Ty down for a nap and then I'll come play with you."

Tommy: "Okay. Is he asleep yet?"

Me: "No, not yet. Almost. Go in your room and wait for me there."

Tommy: "I have to go potty! I have to go right now! Come help me! Is Ty asleep yet?"

Me: "No, not yet. Go potty, I'll help you if you need help washing your hands."

Tommy (from the bathroom): "Is Ty asleep yet?"

Me: "No."

Tommy: "Are his eyes closed yet?"

Me: "No!"

Ty never went to sleep.

Then about 30 minutes later, we were attempting quiet time with Tommy (since he gave up his nap completely about a month ago). My quiet time rules are that he can read books or play quietly in his room with the door shut and I will come get him when I think he's ready (actually when I'm ready). During this time, I decided to try to get Ty back to sleep, since he was screaming and obviously over-tired. And I figured I should blog too. No sooner did I lay Ty down and turn on the computer than I hear Tommy hitting his door with a plastic golf club saying "Mommy!! Is quiet time over yet? I'm all done being quiet!!"

I guess I have a few more years before I get a quiet time again.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! The fun of two boys. I don't think you'll ever know quiet again.
