Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

I love my church. Even if my husband weren't the pastor, I would absolutely still love my church. And my pastor! I love the dedication of our people. They think nothing of showing up at The Moon at 6 am to help set up. And there are lots that stay after to clean. People invite their friends because they are excited about their church and they are excited about the message. Lives are being changed because people are meeting Jesus. And that will never get old to me.

The Well resumed our morning service today and since we are now out of Godby and waiting for our new building, we had our services today (and for the next two weeks) at The Moon. It's a unique place. Teri (our kids director) couldn't get the CD player to work before all the kids came, so she asked for help. When someone showed up a few minutes later, she said "Oh good, are you here to fix the CD player?" And his response was "No, I'm here to count my liquor bottles." I love that we have church there!

I went to Publix with the boys this afternoon to pick up three things. An hour later I was finally leaving the parking lot after having been caught in a sudden torrential downpour. We tried to wait it out, but when I realized it was dinner time and there was no end in sight, we just made a run for it. Good thing one of those three things was a newspaper because I used it to shield Ty.

It's back to teaching piano lessons full time for me this week. When all is said and done, I'll have 18 students and there's one more that I'm still waiting to hear from. Here we go! I'm determined to get dinner on the table and Tommy to bed at a decent hour so my crock pot will be my new best friend.

My little buddy starts preschool tomorrow. Tommy has his first day of school and couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to hear how it goes and rest assured I will post first-day-of-school pictures.

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