Friday, April 17, 2009

Best Friends

Tommy and his best friend Dominic are just about 6 weeks apart. Anais (his mom) and I were college roommates and just happened to wind up in Tallahassee for a while and be pregnant at the same time. So naturally, the boys are great friends. But different as can be. Tommy is very outgoing, and Dominic is a little more reserved and mild mannered. But Dominic has always been a little daredevil, climbing up everything he can, while Tommy prefers to keep both feet on the floor.

Today at the park, I captured an example of these two friends and their differences. Keep in mind, Dominic is 2 1/2 and he did wind up getting to the second highest rope on the web thingy (Don't worry, that's his mom standing way under him).

And then there's Tommy. Again, at least one foot on the floor. And this is as high as he wound up climbing.

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