Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Things You Find at the Gym

Today at the gym I saw a couple things that will stick with me for a while. The first absolutely made my day. I was on the elliptical and I had just plugged in my headphones when I heard a snapping sound. I looked up to see a very large woman on the treadmill across from me, shaking her groove thang. She was snapping and dancing, it looked totally choreographed. And she was completely into it. The girl had soul, that's for sure. I watched her for a little while, wondering how she had the coordination to move that way without flying off the back of the treadmill. Then I realized that it wasn't even on! This woman was just dancing her heart out to Jackson 5 songs or something like that, and she didn't care what people thought. In fact, the people on the treadmills on either side of her didn't seem to notice at all.

The second sight scarred me. I was in the locker room, heading to the scale to weigh myself. When I got to the scale, I was about 2 feet from an almost elderly, rather round woman who was bending over to touch her toes (I think that's what she was doing). Her butt was directly in my face. And she was completely naked. If you need me, I'll be in therapy.


  1. Yeah, I would have been traumatized by the second encounter, too.

    When Ben and I used to work out at the same gym, we used to compare stories on the car ride home. There is definite therapy fodder inside those doors.
