Saturday, April 25, 2009

What a Day

I am exhausted.

My day didn't start until 8 this morning, which is rare with a two-year-old (but still a little upsetting on a Saturday). Actually Tommy's been sleeping in nicely for me, which sort of makes up for his terrible sleeping habits in the last two and a half years. Anyway, I did 3 loads of laundry, pulled some weeds that were going to become small trees in our yard, did a deep cleaning of Tommy's room (including washing his valances... never done that before... oooops), and made a birthday cake for Sally with Tommy. Then I left Tommy with Dean and went shopping for furniture, since we've sold everything on Craig's List. I found a couch I love, found the flooring I also love, and almost passed out when I realized how much this is all going to cost us.

Then I came home in time to let Dean go to his draft party and proceeded to frost Sally's cake with Tommy right there ready to lick the frosting whenever I would let him. He had a rough day behavior-wise, maybe because of him not feeling good recently and the antibiotic he's now on. So in between fits of frustration over little tiny things not going exactly his way, I fed him chocolate frosting. Not the best idea, I know. I also made a loaf of bread at this time. It was a busy afternoon.

After our frosting extravaganza it was time for us to leave for the wedding reception from the wedding that Dean and I were at yesterday (which was amazing, by the way... another post for another time). They had a bouncy house for kids so Tommy had a blast. He also had a piece of blue and orange Auburn cake (groom is a big fan) and continued his sugar high. Dean's parents took Tommy back to their house while I went back to our house to pick up Sally's cake and Tommy's pajamas. On the way to their house, the cake slid off of the cake plate and planted itself on my floor mat. My nice little pink flowers that I had made smudged (to say the least). But it tasted good and no one needed to know that it had been on the floor of my car (sorry guys!). And her birthday party was lots of fun. Tommy's always game for a party. Especially one with cake. For those of you keeping score at home, this was piece number two for him.

So now I'm back. I put Tommy to bed and I think I'm headed there myself. Tomorrow's another day.

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