Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Confessions of a Do-It-Herself-er

I have my own toolbox.

I look forward to projects that I can do while Tommy's sleeping. I think it makes me feel like Santa's elves because he wakes up and says something like "Ooooooh, mommy! The kitchen's green! It's so pretty!"

I love Home Depot and Lowes. Who knew there were so many different varieties of doorknobs!? And you gotta love a place where you can get Windex and a window all at the same time.

I'll admit it. I can be cheap. I prefer to call it resourceful, though. I once covered a gaping hole in the wall with the side of a Kleenex box and painted over it (it was too big for basic spackle). Add a framed picture on top and it looks great!

I paint more often than some people change their oil.

But I don't know how to change my oil. I can change a tire though!

I'm great at starting projects but not so great at finishing them. We still don't have a mirror up on our bathroom wall from when I repainted last year. And the paint was crappy so I need to paint over it (downside of being cheap).

I'm getting giddy over the fact that I'll be painting our cupboards white in the next few days.

When I have free time at home, I examine every inch of the house, trying to figure out what needs to be done next. It's slightly overwhelming, but for some reason I enjoy it.


  1. That's awesome. I wish I were a little more do-it-herself-ish. There's so much I want to do but never get around to doing.=)

  2. Well, I do only have one boy to keep me busy...

  3. Do-It-Herself-er
    I like that. Very Clever!
