Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

As I look up at the clock on my computer, it's 2:54. Tommy and I are leaving for Ft. Lauderdale tonight and we need to leave the house by 4:00. He's sleeping, I haven't packed, and I'm sitting here blogging with my towel still on my head from my shower. If Dean were home he'd tell me to blog later and go get ready now. But he's not (love you, babe). What's going on in Fort Lauderdale, you might ask? Well, if you recall, my family lives down there and so we'll be there for a few days. I had visions of going to the beach and the park down the street at least twice a day... until my mom informed me this morning that it's supposed to rain all week. So gotta come up with a new plan. I do know that one of the items on the agenda is to go see Dean's great Aunt Toni and cousins Cheryl and Emily and learn to make "Noni's famous ravioli's". These raviolis are no joke. It's an Inserra family recipe that was passed down from Dean's great grandmother, who used to make them and bring them to the local Italian restaurant to sell. Those raviolis put her daughter, Louise, through college. And now the recipe will be handed to me. No pressure or anything! I'll keep you posted on our trip. And if you're nice I might even make you some raviolis when I get back. Gotta go pack!

1 comment:

  1. perhaps tommy's time will be well spent in the children's museum where I just heard he is wearing a publix vest and is learning abouy the finer things of cooking.

    Im sure hell be ready when his time comes to carry on the recipe
