Friday, May 29, 2009


This is the conversation I had with Tommy while we were cleaning up his Play-Dough.

Tommy: "Mommy, is that God making the thunder out there?" (we've come a long way from the Mr. Brown conversation)
Me: "Yes, honey, it is. He is watering all the plants and bathing the animals."
Tommy: "He doesn't want to hurt me though?"
Me: "No, he loves you! God loves you so much! And do you know what he wants you to do? He wants you to be obedient to Mommy and Daddy."
Tommy: "I think he just wants me to play with Play-Dough. God loves Play-Dough."


  1. that is amazing..he is so precious and you guys are such role models for us new parents!

  2. Haha, he is precious, that's true... I don't know about the whole role model thing though :)
