Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why Glue is Better Than Stitches (and other things I learned tonight)

1. When your child falls off the couch and breaks his fall by his face hitting the coffee table, immediately grab paper towels.

2. Never, never, never tell them you're going to the hospital. Or the doctor. Maybe tell them you're going to a playground or Disney World.

3. Distract, distract, and distract some more.

4. Let them touch everything in the hospital, explaining that it won't hurt a bit (even if it will).

5. Promise them a popsicle for good behavior. But give it to them whether they're good or not.

6. Pray for Derma Bond (i.e. super glue) instead of stitches. But don't let them peel the glue off their face.

7. Enjoy a great meal at Chick Fil A afterward!


  1. A visit to Red Elephant may be necessary. He is a very brave almost 3 year old. Bebe

  2. "Snips and snails,and puppy dog tails. That's what little boys are made of." Really glad he's ok!
    Love,Mima and Papa
