Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Zoo Day

Dean was out of town all weekend, so when he got home Sunday we all jumped back in the car and headed to Jacksonville. After a few longer-than-intended stops (if you go to Ali's Strawberry Shakes on Highway 90 and Chaires, be prepared to wait at least 30 minutes for your milkshake), we finally made it to our friends Brian and Jenna's house. Tommy was so excited because he knew he was going to the Jacksonville Zoo the next morning and so going to bed was not his idea of a fun time. But once I wrestled him down (literally), he slept like a... well... a baby.

We had breakfast with Jenna and Buster (the dog) and headed out. This was Tommy's first real zoo trip that he could remember, so we hyped it up big time. And I think it lived up to the hype. His favorite animal was the gorilla. He was really excited to see the lions but once we saw that they were actual real lions and really ate stuff, I think he freaked out slightly and it was "All done lions!"

So here are some highlights from the zoo, followed by a recap video where I've interviewed Tommy on the way home.

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