Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gooooooood Morning!

Warning: This post is not for the faint of heart or the sick of stomach.

This morning I walked out of our bedroom and was greeted by the distinct aroma of... poop. I knew it wasn't Dorsi because she was in the room with us (although she did eat an entire bag of dog treats last night, so it wouldn't have surprised me). As I turned on my coffee maker, I heard Tommy starting to open his door. This was another odd sign because he usually stays in bed until I go in his room and get him (it's awesome, I have no idea why he started doing that, but I'm not about to stop him). When I opened the door I almost passed out from the odor. I said "Oh my, I think I smell something poopy!" (understatement) His response?

"I pooped-ed all over my bed. But it's ok, I cleaned it up with my blanket."

There was poop all over his bed and bedding, on the back of his pants, and on the bottom of his shirt. So when I started undressing him of course the poop spread all over him. Lovely. I managed to get everything off of him (while dropping piles on the floor... I told you this was gross) and got him into the bath. He was scrubbed from head to toe and played happily while I cleaned and sanitized and deodorized his room. Thank goodness for Febreeze!

All of this was before 8:30 this morning. I hope that's the extent of my excitement for the day!

1 comment:

  1. "All aboard the Potty Train!"
    Love, as always
