Monday, August 31, 2009


I love my church! We officially launched our morning service last week and I still can't decide which service I want to go to. I don't want to miss anything! Yes, I realize they are the exact same service, but twice is always nice. Don't worry I'll decide at some point and I won't force Tommy to go to the same thing twice in one day. But for now, all he knows is that he gets to play with playdough, hear a Bible story, eat goldfish, drink juice, and play on the bridge two times on Sunday. Not a bad deal.

I can't wait for small group tonight. Those ladies are so great and I love the time I get to spend with them. And we're doing dessert tonight. Yes, that always makes it even better.

Dorsi and I have this little game that she plays. When she's outside and ready to come in, she barks incessantly. I open the door and tell her to come in. She doesn't and just keeps on barking. I close the door for a brief second, open it up again, and offer her a cookie (dog treat... yes I know I'm reinforcing bad behavior). The bribe usually gets her in. We're currently out of cookies and I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I tried opening the door and closing it multiple times (that works a lot too), offering her various treats, and pleading with her to stop barking. She didn't. Finally, Tommy got up, opened the door and in his diaper and paci said "Dorsi, come here girl!" And she waltzed right in. He's on Dorsi duty from now on.

It's about time for me to go to the gym. I have energy and I'm not craving an unhealthy snack. However, it's absolutely pouring down rain outside and I can't find our umbrella. So now I'm forced to sit here until the rain slows down, during which time I might lose all desire to go to the gym. Aaah!

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