Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Potty Training: Round 2

The last few weeks, I've been psyching myself and Tommy up for potty training, Round 2. You may recall, Round 1 was a complete disaster and may not even deserve to be called Round 1. So this time we went all out. We got non-carpeted floors, bought new big boy pants (he had outgrown the last ones), printed out a potty chart, got the Smartees all ready for bribery, and have just been generally pumped about the whole thing. Yesterday wasn't terribly successful, as he wouldn't sit on the potty at all until the afternoon, but he did manage to dribble a bit into the potty (the rest wound up on his pants... that's ok, still a success). Today I was totally that mom that camps her kid in front of the TV all day, sitting on the potty chair. We went through 4 pair of underwear, and wiped up 3 or 4 pee pee messes on the floor (one of which he slipped and fell in and I had to try not to laugh; I feel terrible). But again, he did manage to dribble the slightest bit into the potty chair. Tomorrow we're trying again. He hates it, but I'm determined. This child will be potty trained! Any advice is much appreciated!


  1. Give him LOTS of beverages! Did you try demonstrating with a doll that "wets"? Aunt Sue

  2. Tommy: Maffew I got a pig.
    Matthew: Where did you get the pig?
    Tommy: Tarrr-get
    Matthew: Why did you get the pig?
    Tommy: Potty!

    Kid's gunna end up with a whole farm before it's all over ;)

  3. My family relationships professor at FSU told our class a story about potty training her son...and it worked. She made it into a game. She threw Fruit Loops into the toilet and her son had to aim for them. Maybe that will work...Good Luck!!

  4. These are all great. First time I gave him lots to drink and ran the faucet, he sat there for 45 minutes and then when I had to go, he stood up and created "Lake Tommy" all over the floor. It worked, I just didn't have the right timing. I'm going to try the fruit loops thing too.
