Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree Down!

Well, it finally happened. We figured that eventually with a very active two-year-old and a nutty 90 pound lab in too small of a house, the Christmas tree would eventually become a casualty. And the other day, it did. But not in the dramatic moment that we thought it would. We were not all sitting out here, singing Christmas carols, basking in the glow of the twinkle lights. It didn't happen when we were trimming the tree, drinking hot chocolate, and teaching Tommy how to hang ornaments without ripping the branches off. No, it happened when the living room was empty and Tommy was taking his nap. Dorsi was in her kennel, so she can't even be the culprit. But, no matter, Dean and I heard a loud crash and rushed in to confirm our fears. The entire tree was on the ground and the already sloppy job I'd done of hanging the lights was even sloppier. And of course I had just watered it, so there was about a gallon of water all over the floor as well. We managed to get it back up, clean up the mess, toss the lights back on, and rehang the ornaments. I'll admit it looks pretty sad now, but at least it's got character.


  1. This is hysterical because our Christmas tree fell down yesterday. Ben came downstairs and the tree was down. Ben cleaned up the water and stood the tree up against the wall. Thanks Ben. Needless to say, the cheesy stand we bought at Home Depot went back today. I hope the new one works better. And only two ornaments got broken. Oh well.

  2. Oh no! We had a tree go down one year. I was hosting a baby shower and a guest fell back in her chair right into it.=) At least you have it back up and running... it still looks great!

  3. You know how I am about Christmas ornaments so it figures that I was out of town when this happened. Fear not, it happened to us many years ago.
    Any broken ornaments?
    Your father-in-law.
