Saturday, December 27, 2008

Some Random Weekend Thoughts

I feel completely energized right now. Not because I'm just finishing my first cup of coffee or because Tommy slept through the night last night for the first time in weeks. No, my friends, it's because I just made homemade waffles and got to use my new Kitchenaid stand mixer for the first time. And I love it. And I'm trying to think of other things to mix at this moment. Yes, I am a dork.

While my favorite thing about being a mom is staying at home with Tommy, I think it gets me into trouble. By staying at home, I look at our house all day and I see so many things I want to change. Get rid of the carpet and put in wood floors. Repaint. Get new curtains. But do you repaint before or after you put in the wood floors? Probably before, but that means I need to do it soon and I'm not not ready for that. See? Not only is this all expensive, but it requires more time and effort than I have available right now. Hmmm...

Dean and I are heading to North Carolina tomorrow! The weather will be cold but still really pretty and we're just so excited to get away one more time before things kick up for spring semester. We will have been married five years tomorrow! Actually we met exactly seven years ago today on a blind date. Let's just say that time really flies. But I love him even more today than I did then! Isn't marriage great?!?

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary!!! I hope you and Dean have a wonderful trip. :o)
