Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Morning Thoughts

We had a great night at the Well last night (I feel like maybe I start every Monday blog with that statement, but it's just so true)! If you didn't get to go, you can watch it here. Dean pretty much explained why you can't have Christmas without the Cross... if we had no need for a savior (whose ultimate work would be done on the cross), then we don't need Christmas. It was great. And then there was Ellie Stubblefield playing "Carol of the Bells" for the offering. Here's the story behind that one. She played that in my recital on Saturday and when Matthew heard her, he asked her to play it for the offering the next day. She said she would, and she knocked it out of the park. Go Ellie!! That's a pretty scary thing for an eleven year old to do, getting up in front of about 150 people and playing a song. I'm so proud!!

We're trying to teach Tommy some of the more important lessons in life. Like obedience and how to keep his cool when he's getting frustrated. Dean's been working with him a lot on those two things. When he gets upset and starts to think about throwing a fit (multiple times a day) we remind him what the rule is. "Tommy, there's no..." and Tommy replies with "Freaking out." It may not be conventional but at least he remembers.

Yesterday, Dean asked him to do something and Tommy ignored him. So Dean reminded him, "Tommy, remember when Mommy and Daddy ask you to do something, you have to do it. That's called o..." (waiting for him to fill in the blank) Tommy looked at him and thought for a minute and then said "Obama!" Thanks to my brother in law Bennett for making my two-year-old excessively political.

1 comment:

  1. If teaching a two-year old how to be politically informed and engaged is wrong, then I don't want to be right--Bennett
