Thursday, December 4, 2008

Friday Top Five

So it's not technically Friday yet, but I'm starting a new tradition of posting a random top 5 list on Fridays. This week it's about being a pastor's wife. Here are my top 5 most unique things I've encountered in my stint so far as a pastor's wife. In no particular order:

1. The unbelievable number of crosses we received as wedding gifts. Seriously, there's no way we can display them all.
2. The greatness that is having a husband with a really flexible schedule during the day (flexible meaning he's not gone from 8-6 every day. He may be gone numerous days at a time, but then he might have a few mornings free and can be here with Tommy while I take a shower).
3. The difficulty that sometimes comes with having a husband who has to have lots of meetings at night (makes cooking dinner and having nighttime routines tough)
4. The automatic counseling role I have in the church... and among people not in church. I love it, don't get me wrong, I just hope people aren't disappointed when they realize that even though I married a pastor, I don't have an automatic degree in counseling.
5. The assumption that just because I'm a pastor's wife, I play the piano... oh wait, I do!

Honestly, I couldn't have imagined anything better in my life than being married to Dean (who just happens to be a pastor). I love literally doing ministry along side my husband and getting to take an active role in the Well. I'm thrilled to lead a small group/community group/Bible Study (still don't know what to call it), and to play in the band every chance I get. Yep, things are good right now!

Any ideas about more top 5 lists?

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