Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Week at a Glance

This Saturday will be a big day in the life of Mrs. Inserra's Piano Studio (I actually don't have a name for it, but that sounds professional enough). It's my first every Holiday Recital. Since I started teaching two and a half years ago, I've gone from 5 students with a recital at a very kind lady's house to 14 students and having to do two recitals a year in a church. All with no advertising! Woo hoo! It's actually a lot of fun for me. I'll be the first to admit, my administrative skills are lacking, but I'm learning as I go. And I have very understanding parents who are just thrilled that their little angels are able to play the piano. The kids are excited too. For some of them this is their third recital. I'm just living vicariously through them, because in my early piano career, I never had a recital. I guess you could say my first "recital" was when I auditioned at Florida State for the music program and had no clue what to expect. I think that was a good thing. Otherwise I would have wet my pants (Speaking of auditions, shout out to Rachel Boeselt for scoring an audition at FSU for her Masters). So this Saturday, there will be lots of kids and parents and friends and family all settled in to hear a few renditions of "Up on the Housetop", "Jingle Bells", and others. I'm pumped.

Small group last night was great. I absolutely love those girls, and it's great when new people join us too. But sad when old friends leave. Kate had her last night this week and will be graduating this weekend, so we'll miss her lots! We're going through the Beth Moore Study, "Stepping Up" in our group, and it's been so great for me to have something fresh. Her DVD's are awesome, she's such a powerful teacher. And I've never studied the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) before, so this is a whole new thing for me. My prayer for this group is that they all really do the study. Not just to get the homework done to check things off their list, but to actually immerse themselves into studying God's word and praying. Even just for 6 weeks. I know that's a commitment I'm making.

Well, I'm off to pick up Tommy from Mimi and BeeBee's house. He won't want to leave. He'll cry and probably eat a waffle. But then he'll be fine once I get him in the car. Gotta love my buddy!

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