Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We've had quite a busy last few days in the Inserra household. In order to totally immerse Tommy in everything that is commercial Christmas, we took him to the park with lights in Tallahassee, Dorothy B. Oven Park. When you drive through it takes just under a minute, but the fun thing is you can get out and walk around all the paths. Tommy loved running to all the different lighted characters and was really excited to see Santa in the fire truck. He still talks about it and is now confused over whether Santa delivers toys in a sleigh or a fire truck. Oh well.

I also got together with my smalll group girls and had dessert at the Melting Pot. I have no idea why we haven't done this before! It was really fun! I love those girls!!

Yesterday we experienced the first annual "Watching of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (the original) on Christmas Eve Eve", a tradition begun by yours truly. Tommy was totally into it, but was kinda freaked out by the abominable snowman. However, Yukon Cornelius saved the day and all was well (see Dean's post for his top five Christmas movie characters... Yukon made the list).

My parents are on their way to town today to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with us. Can't wait for them to get here! And Jason will be spending his first Christmas as a Tallahassee local. Fun will be had by all. There's lots more to come with our traditional Christmas Eve service at Killearn Lakes Methodist Church and ending the night with dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Then there's all the festivities tomorrow. I'm pumped, in case you couldn't tell. Tommy's really excited about Santa, but we'll see if he changes his tune when he goes to sleep tonight thinking a strange man with a beard is going to be in his house.

On a different note, I'd like to nominate Bennett's present to Sally as the best early Christmas gift this year... a little black lab puppy named Annie! Now Dorsi has a cousin!!

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