Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fire Station Part II... SUCCESS!

If you've been following along at home, you may remember that a couple months ago we attempted to visit the fire station near our house on a whim that Tommy had when he just decided he wanted to go drive a fire truck and see fire fighters and before we could say anything he was dressed in his fireman Halloween costume. If you recall, that ended somewhat poorly... my little guy choked. Not in the choking sense that you're glad you're at a fire station and they can perform CPR. Nope, he just freaked out when we got there.

So today, we decided to try again. Every week I get together with a group of moms and their little ones for something fun (and usually free) to do to get us out of the house. Today we had a tour of one of Tallahassee's finest fire stations all lined up for us. And Tommy came decked out in his gear, once again. And this time he actually enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, he didn't just jump in begin trying on gear or anything (though some of the kids did), but he did walk up to the truck (huge accomplishment), actually get in the truck with me, almost sit in the driver's seat before deciding against it at the last minute, and hold the big fire hose as it doused the parking lot with water. He panicked a little when we had them all sit on the front of the truck for a photo op but once one of the fire fighters took him in his lap, all was well. Those guys were awesome, we were so appreciative!

After that we had a picnic lunch at the park next door and the kids ran all around, wearing their little bodies out. Again, a success. He's been sleeping for an hour and a half.

1 comment:

  1. I love how we have the middle...only chick out there, acting like she owns the show :)
