Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's Almost Like a Petting Zoo

The other day I walked into the garage to get Dorsi some dog food and I felt something hit my foot. I thought it was a ball that Tommy had rolled in there and so I kicked it a bit. I looked down just in time to see my old friend, Mr. Toad. Did I mention I was barefoot? I screamed like a little girl and ran back inside, dropping Dorsi's food on the way. Gross.

Then yesterday when I was coming inside, I noticed something scurry in the plants next to our house. Usually when I hear that I just imagine it's a lizard or a squirrel or something (that would have to be a big lizard). But yesterday I saw a very long reptilian tail as it ran underneath the house. My first thought was, "oh great we have snakes living under our house". But my second thought was, "I wonder if he and the toad are friends. He's crawling under the garage where I saw the toad."

Today I caught a glimpse of the critter in full. Turns out it's a skink. A great big one. At least 8 or 9 inches long. Awesome. (with a hint of sarcasm)

1 comment:

  1. Lawton says, "At least they eat roaches." haha...I guess there's a bright side...
