Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Watch Out Beckham

This Saturday Tommy began his career in city league sports. Here in Tallahassee they have a soccer league that starts as early as 3 so of course we signed him up and eagerly brought him down to the field. He was so excited! We got there, ball in hand, and waited for his name to be called to let us know what team he would be on. We did hear a few names like Santiago Diaz or something like that, so we figured he would probably get his butt kicked. But it's strictly drills and fun games, no actual soccer matches (seriously, what did you expect from 3 and 4 year olds?)

Tommy's team of about 10 kids got in a little clump to do warm-up stretches with their coach. Tommy kind of stood off to the side and kicked around his soccer ball. Apparently stretching is for the weak.

He did pretty well listening to the coach when she would tell them what to do, but we still need to work on our listening skills a bit. But he had an absolute blast. About every 5 minutes he would look over to the sidelines where we were all standing (he had a cheering section) and yell something like "Mommy, I'm playing soccer!" It was really cute.

You didn't think I would let this post go by without a first day of soccer video, did you? It gives you a bit of an idea of what he'll be doing for the next 4 Saturdays.


  1. Cute stuff! I know this makes his Daddy groan! By the way I saw how you were diggin' being the keyboardist for Journey Sunday night!

  2. Too Cute!! Sweaty head and all
    Mima and Papa
