Thursday, January 29, 2009

If Mama Ain't Happy...

So apparently I'm breaking the cardinal rule of motherhood: I'm sick. I don't feel that sick but I think that's because I've been sick for a while and just haven't realized it. So now I think I have the mother of all sinus infections and it's in my eye. Gross, I know. But every day since Friday my vision has gotten a little worse in my left eye and my headache has gotten more intense. So in about an hour I get to go have a CT scan to see just how bad it is.

Dean's helping out around here as much as he can, but he too is now on medication for a sinus infection. I guess it's contagious. And Tommy's getting some beastly molars (I hope) because he keeps complaining about a sore mouth and has occasional diarrhea. Our house is more fun than a barrel of monkeys, I tell you!

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