Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Newfound Hope

I have a renewed excitement about my wheat mill. After my previous post about the challenges of making succulent baked goods from freshly ground flour, I had a friend call me and offer to help out. She's a seasoned grinder and baker and does an incredible job of providing her family of five with fresh bread and baked goods at all times. So this morning after I dropped Tommy off at his preschool group, I headed over to Kelly Cason's house to learn from the master. She didn't hear me knock because she was running both the mill (which is about as quiet as a jackhammer) and her mixer. That's a serious baker, my friends! We talked about dead yeast and lecithin, the woes of margarine, and why Dean won't eat leftovers or salad... or drink milk from a cup... or eat a sandwich for dinner. When all was said and done, I left with some delicioius muffins and mini loaves (way way way better than my pumpkin bricks that I made the other day), a pan of rising sandwich bread dough (which I baked and turned out absolutely amazing), and a new hope for my aspirations of bread baking. Thank you, Kelly, thank you!

Just thought I'd share a moment from our dinner of homemade Italian Wedding Soup and freshly baked bread. Notice the half-eaten piece in Tommy's hand.

Random side note: We're trying to teach Tommy about personal space issues. Yesterday at Chick Fil-A, I literally had to pull him off of a stranger's lap that he had begun talking to. He just climbed right up and kept on talking. That's my boy.


  1. Once again your "stick to it" attitude paid off. Happy bread baking!!!
    Love Mom

  2. Another verified account that you have a little "Dean Inserra".

  3. I'm glad you got some help and ended up with delicious bread! Tommy sounds just like my nephew... his parents had to do some serious explaining on why it's inappropriate to touch women's bottoms and hug random strangers.=)
