Friday, November 28, 2008


For my 27th birthday today, I decided to share some random tidbits about me that you may or may not know. Hopefully I can come up with 27 of them!

1. My birthday sometimes falls on Thanksgiving.
2. Dean and I were born in the same hospital in Fort Lauderdale. Actually my brother and his brother and sister were born there too.
3. I once had a dog named Penelope.
4. I've been camping in Alaska. In a tent. In August. Still very cold.
5. I'm afraid of bees because I've been stung in the tongue.
6. I've also been stung on the inside of my left lower eyelid.
7. My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night"
8. My favorite movie is "A League of Their Own"
9. My dad is one of the only true Florida Marlins fans I know.
10. My grandmother used to make chili while wearing a helmet (random story, you'll have to ask about that later)
11. Dean and I met on a blind date.
12. We dated long distance for almost 2 years (except summers together)
13. My dad worked for Delta so we never went more than 3 weeks without seeing each other because I always flew up to where he was.
14. I have had 3 dreams that I've driven off a bridge into the water and died. Yes died. You really can die in your dreams and not die in real life.
15. I have almost a phobia of driving over bridges that curve or are very high, especially bridges that go over water.
16. I played alto saxaphone in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade. I wasn't bad at it either.
17. I've tried 3 different times but I can't play the guitar.
18. I can't play Rummy.
19. I used to do cartwheels everywhere I went. I even did them with a broken wrist.
20. Our high school gave us an extra week off for Christmas break my senior year because that was when all the computers in the world were supposed to crash due to Y2K. Like a week would've helped.
21. I was once the driver for someone mooning. It wasn't Dean.
22. A few days before we got engaged, Dean convinced me that he wasn't ready to get married until he was done with his Masters and Ph.D. program, which he figured would take another 7 years. It was our first (and one of the only) fight that made me cry. He then proposed two days later and we got married that December. He had the ring all along.
23. I'm still good friends with Jamie, whose mom and my mom were pregnant with us together. Now our kids will be friends too. 3 generations of friends!
24. My first piano "recital" was when I played for the judges at FSU to get into the School of Music.
25. While we were in the Keys one time, my dad did a u-turn in his truck and the boat we were hauling didn't make it and flipped over in the road. It actually gouged out a chunk of the road.
26. I am addicted to Sudoku.
27. My favorite food is probably pizza.

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