Friday, November 21, 2008


I've always thought they were silly. Especially in Tallahassee or other parts of Florida where snow never touches the ground and they're usually worn with short skirts and short sleeved shirts. Doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, they're big and bulky, fleece-lined, which makes your feet sweat unless they're worn in less than 20 degrees (and who wants sweaty feet??), and they just remind me of the snow boots I used to wear when we'd go skiing in Colorado and my parents made me take ski lessons where we had to eat funny tasting chicken nuggets (I think they just sent me there so they could ski on their own. Can't say I blame them).

Now I'm reconsidering my opinion. You see, next week Dean and I are heading to Oklahoma City for the weekend, where I'm sure it will be on the chilly side. And then for our anniversary, we're spending a few days in Fontana Village in North Carolina. So I need to bundle up.

The disturbing factor in all of this is that I think I'm really starting to get old. I do check the weather channel almost daily and I get slightly worked up when threre's "extreme weather" approaching. Cold weather makes me want to go out and buy an impressive array of scarves, hats, and gloves, plus longjohns, thermal socks, and more. And that's just for temperatures in the 30's. I keep forgetting that I once lived in Louisville during the winter and I did indeed survive without all that stuff.

Then there's the occasional hurricane or tropical storm. Take Fay, for instance. Two days before it was set to hit, I was battoning down the hatches (yes, it was just a tropical storm), buying bottled water to tide us over (we still have some left), and keeping a close eye on the news. The day before it was supposed to hit, Lindsey Naitove asked me to go to lunch and I declined because there was a tropical storm coming. I realize this is silly and I feel like an 85-year old woman for being this concerned over the tropical storm. Especially since I have a very low-key personality and don't get this concerned over a whole lot. But it's who I'm turning into. And I'm beginning to embrace that.

So my question is, should this 85-year old woman buy herself some Uggs?


  1. Yes to the Uggs. I've had a pair for 3 years and although I didn't think I'd pull them out here in GA... they've already made their debut.=)

    P.S. I added you to my list of moms!

  2. I also said I would never get them, and I now own 2 pairs! They are the warmest, most comfortable, and most versatile shoes I have. But, I only wear them with winter clothes...anyway, I vote yes! You would be cute in them! ;)
