Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lessons Learned

Today's been quite a day. And it's only lunch time. But I had quite a trying experience this morning and I'll just share with you the things I've learned about motherhood and just organization in general:

#1 - If you have a doctor's appointment, get a babysitter with enough time in advance.

#2 - If you can't find a babysitter, cancel your doctor's appointment.

#3 - If you can't cancel because the phones are down, go, but be sure to have lots of things for your 2 year old to do.

#4 - Don't bring your two year old to the doctor with you.

#5 - Don't worry if your child is loud in the waiting room. No one knows why you're supposed to be quiet in waiting rooms anyway. It's entertainining for everyone else.

#6 - Bring diapers and wipes with you. Don't leave them in the car. You may have to go to the 7th floor for your appointment and your toddler might poop in his pants minutes before they call you back so you don't have time to go to the car to get them (hypothetically speaking, of course).

#7 - When your child loses interest in the busy book you brought him, just pray for the doctor to call you back soon.

#8 - Don't take your two year old to the doctor with you.

#9 - Don't give him the random doctors' instruments that are on the counter to play with in the office while you're waiting for the doctor.

#10 - If your child still takes a pacifier, be sure to have one with you.

#11 - If you have to change your poopy child in the car after being at the doctors office for almost 2 hours and he's screaming because he wants his pacifier and it's at home, don't suggest going to get bagels with your friends. That only makes things worse.

#12 - Drive home as quickly as you can.

#13 - Don't take your two year old to the doctor with you.

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