Saturday, November 22, 2008

So I'm Adopting an Elephant

Yesterday Tommy and I had a lot of one-on-one time. It's amazing how a child's vocabulary expands daily and they come up with all sorts of new ideas. For instance, Tommy's learning empathy. He has his stuffed elephant that he sleeps with (cleverly named "Elephant"), and now he brings Elephant everywhere with him. Yesterday he wanted to have a picnic in the hallway, so while we ate cranberry bread in the middle of the hallway, he was saying "Aw, poor e-phant. Poor e-phant! I sorry wittow e-phant!" I asked him what was wrong with the little elephant and he said "E-phant needs a mommy," and handed it to me and told me to hug him. I melted a little.

1 comment:

  1. I pray for Tommy all the time that he would grow up to be a kind, caring and sensitive individual. You will lessons from your child as you watch him grow.
