Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Well it's finally here. The anticipation has been building for almost the past two years and tonight (hopefully) is the night we'll find out who wil be our next President. I'll be braving the crowds at my precinct today. I wanted to do early voting, but every time I drove by, the cars were backed up to the street and the line was wrapping around the building. So I figured everyone in Tallahassee has already voted and I shouldn't have a problem.

Because of all the emotion involved in the campaigning, I'm exhausted and I'll I've done is watch it on TV! I'm nervous, but I also know that the next person that gets elected won't be the savior of the United States. Too many people think the opposite. I do think things will be different than they have been before, Tommy will grow up in a different country than I did. Exactly what I mean by that, I'm not sure.

I do know that God is sovereign over all, even these elections. He is on his throne today. Tonight when the ballots are counted and people go nuts, God is on his throne. And tomorrow when things begin to blow over (hopefully), he'll be there. See where I'm going with this?

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