Friday, November 7, 2008

Our first full day in Fort Lauderdale. Tommy's been up since 6:15 (I heard "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?" all monotone, over and over again... it was kinda creepy) and he hasn't stopped moving since. After calling out every family member's name, almost all of us are awake (minus a certain someone he calls "Daddy").

Today it's off to Inserra field to take pictures by the sign and run around the bases (Tommy, not us). Then heading to the beach to play in the sand while trying to clear up his stuffy nose. And then lunch at my parents' new favorite spot on the beach, "Lulu's Bait Shack". Sounds so O.C., doesn't it?

I'm trying to get used to haveing a train go by the house again. This is the house I grew up in, but living in Tallahassee, I've forgotten all about the trains that go right next to the house (Random true story: before we moved here, there was a fugitive that was train hopping to escape and they found him so he ran away and wound up in our backyard. The helicopters were overhead and the police were outside telling the people who lived here to stay inside. Welcome to South Florida). We heard the train for the first time yesterday when we were almost here and had finally gotten him to go to sleep. We went over the train track and then the train whizzed by. It woke him up and he started to panic but Dean said, "That was Gordon, thundering by!" Now every time we hear it (roughly every 2 hours) he announces to everyone that Gordon is thundering by. So far, it's been a great trip.

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