Monday, November 3, 2008

It's All About Winning

I've been a parent now for just over two years. It's nothing compared to most people, I know, but it's long enough to learn a few things. First, if you have a newborn boy, be sure you cover everything at all times when you are changing his diaper. Trust me on that one. Second, if they fall or bump themselves and are still deciding if they're hurt or not, clap and cheer and say "Yay! Wasn't that fun?!?" They'll usually agree and decide that they're fine.

The third thing: NEVER LOSE. I had heard that before I had Tommy and when he was little. I understood what that meant, but I didn't see how hard it was until the last year or so. Now Tommy's really cute and all, loves to give hugs and kisses, quite the little charmer. But the child is 31 pounds of sheer iron will! To Dean, this is a wonderful thing; he has said multiple times that Tommy has the personality to change the world. That's fine and all, but when he's two and you're trying to change his diaper, you would rather him not be trying to change the world at that moment. But I know to pick my battles with him and once I've chosen, I have to stick to it and never back down. I'm pretty naturally compliant, but since having him, I've had to have my will strengthened as well.

So last night was one of these moments. We had come home from church and I could see that he was tired, but he was also hungry. Never a good combination. I braced myself. I had made a pot of chili earlier (he likes it), and gave him a bowl of it. He took a few bites and then began to ask for everything else under the sun: "Cookie?" "Waffle?" "Banana?" "Breakfast Bar?" (Yes, he does ask for breakfast bars by name) "Candy?" "Bread?" You get the idea. Not far into that list he started crying and sounding really desparate. I just calmly made my salad and sat down next to him at the table. I continued to offer him his chili, and he continued to refuse, his tears just getting bigger. But I held firm. I just read the new Pottery Barn Magazine and tried to stay as calm as possible.

Then we had a breakthrough. I offered to get him out and give him a hug and his little arms went out so I removed his high chair tray. I hugged him for a second and then... HE ASKED FOR MORE CHILI!!! I was so excited! But staying cool, I gave him a bite. He wanted the tray back on his chair and he wanted to do it himself. I HAD WON! He took a few more bites and then said he wanted to go read in his room, which is code for "I'm tired, put me to bed."

One little victory, but it'll help me further down the road, I'm sure.

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