Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Potty in the Tub

When I first heard Tommy was missing his corpus calossum , I read up on it and one of the possible (but odd) complications might be a lack of a sense of humor. I think we have a pretty funny family so I was pretty upset about that. Well, if you spend any time with him, you would see that's obviously not the case for him, as proved again last night while he was taking a bath.

He was sitting in his bubble bath and all of a sudden got quiet and concentrated while he was looking at me. If you have young children who are not yet completely potty trained, you know this isn't a good sign in the tub. Here was our conversation

Me: "Tommy, what are you doing?"
Him: "Tommy going potty"
Me: "Are you going pee pee?" (sorry to get graphic)
Him: "No, Tommy pooping."
Me: "You're pooping?"
Him: "Yes."
Me: "Really?!?"
Him: "Yes... (long pause)... NO!"

And then he bursts out laughing. He really had me going there and he knew it!

1 comment:

  1. That happened to me last month. Well not me, but Caleb (11 months), was playing in the tub. The he got quite. Looked at me with such intesity, curled his lip and before I knew it a giant poop was in the tub. You haven't really lived till you have had to clean that mess up. With bare hands!
