Monday, November 24, 2008

Top 10

This is a fun month for me. Beginning on the day after Thanksgiving, Dean will allow me to go nuts and listen to Christmas music in the house, break out all my random snowman Christmas decorations, and clear a spot for the tree. Oh yeah, and that day is also my birthday. So here are the top 10 things I'm looking forward to in the next month or so (drum roll, please):

1. Decorating for Christmas

2. Carpenters' Christmas album... I'm a little sick of it, but there's too much tradition behind it to give it up (when Dean and I were first dating, I was over at his parents house and we were all decorating the tree. After listening to the Carpenters Christmas tape ...yes, tape... about 15 times, I decided to change it out for something else. There weren't a whole lot of options, so I put in an instrumental Christmas tape, and all activity froze in the house and they all acted like I had just kicked their dog. I haven't changed the music since)

3. Going to Oklahoma for the Oklahoma/Oklahoma State football game.

4. Taking Tommy to Dorothy B. Oven Park to walk around with all of the lights and mechanical light-up animals. Actually he might be scared, but we'll just have to face our fears.

5. Making hot cocoa from scratch (a new skill I've just acquired) and baking loads of cookies

6. Christmas on the Moon!

7. Christmas shopping at the mall, not online... gotta have the full experience

8. Family time

9. Dean's and my new tradition of watching a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie every night in the month of December (except on December 7, when we'll be at Christmas on the Moon )

10. Our anniversary trip to Fontana Village, to relax and recover from a busy Christmas season

Now for some audience participation, what's your favorite Christmas movie?

1 comment:

  1. Definately the black and white version of Miracle on 34th Street.
